inspiriting you to live your authentic life

Learn to sit

Emotional 𖤓    Spiritual 𖧏
The sweet dirt comes from patient composting of coffee grounds and egg shells.

My neighbor greeted me at the mailbox when I arrived home from two weeks vacation. Our embrace was submerged in catch-up chatter. I was a month behind in her career development status. 

We partnered on her website when she had to define for potential patients who she is and what she does. I offered the photos. When last we talked she had been worrying a bit about her direction. She is trained to be a sports healer. But as our angels sometimes choreograph, she was offered the opportunity to work with a terminal cancer patient. She found herself peaceful and compassionate with one facing eminent death. She volunteered time to returning veterans. Turns out, she loved the work. Now what? How can she define herself without limiting her possibilities? How could she use marketing words that referred to sports medicine without eliminating terminal or ailing patients from her work? 

"I've been working with a business coach and it's been truly great. She's made me get clear about who I am and how I want to communicate that," neighbor says to me. 

"Fantastic! When are you going live so I can send you the photo files I promised?" "

Thirty days," and then she added incidently, "You know it's the same stuff we talked about a few months ago. I just had to sit with it for a while," she admitted. I was struck by her insight. Natalie Goldberg in Writing Down the Bones, encourages us to appreciate "composting," the time and patience it takes to take a rough idea and let it sit long enough to transform it into something rich.

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