inspiriting you to live your authentic life

Are you on the committee?

Those of us making changes in our lives have to watch out for time wasters--those things we have an opinion about, create an investment in and spend time and energy working on--like whether or not our daughter should charge rent to the squatter sleeping on the couch in her living room. These are time wasters because every moment we give them thought, they keep us from working on things we really can control, like putting on our shoes and going for the walk we keep promising ourselves we'll take. The truth is most of the time we are "not on the committee." The moniker itself came from a young woman I have known since she was a child. With humor she taught her mom and I about letting go of the things outside our control. Those things that will, sadly, be decided without us no matter our opinion (like whether or not our granddaughter will be named Agatha). We are not on many committees, although we act like we are. Maybe it's just a way to avoid committees that have the power to really change our own lives.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Thank you Tonia! This sure is potent and on target in my life at this very moment. If only I had more than two hands to count the number of committees I WISH I were on. :) Thank you for this insightful nugget. I'm adding, "Am I on this committee?" to the important questions on sticky notes stuck to my monitor, right next door to "Is this right for me now?"
