inspiriting you to live your authentic life

Surefire remedy for changing out of your cranky pants

Emotional 𖤓    Social 𖤉    Intellectual 𖧼    Spiritual 𖧏
Yesterday was one of the hard ones. In our attempt to cut costs we made a decision to leave our insurance guy of decades for a cheaper policy elsewhere, which made me cry. And my sweetie lost a couple of pieces of business in a time when business is hard to come by, which made him worry. By the end of the day we both had changed to our cranky pants and headed for a funk.

Luckily it was my longest and dearest friend's birthday and her neighbor and husband plotted a drive-by birthday tribute where we were to meet at a designated place at a certain time, costumes optional but encouraged, slated to drive by and wave, honk and shout birthday love. Praise the inventions of a pandemic. 

We began our preparations still wearing our cranky pants, fulfilling a commitment we had made for someone we love. But as we pulled out the crepe paper, markers, tag board and tape and began to decorate our 1989 VW van, something magic happened.

As we taped the foil-covered, riveted "H-A-P-P-Y-B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y" sign across the windshield, we found ourselves lightening up. While we strung lime green whirlybirds that would twirl in the breeze from each place of attachment, we created delight. By the time we added the 2-foot high hard plastic bunny (a tribute to years of her Easter Bunny role) to the rack, we were laughing and joyful. And decorating was only half of the fun. By now we had swapped our cranky pants for makeshift costumes and looked forward to being part of the surprise.

Off we drove down the blue highway between our houses and joined in the staging area a long block away from her house. At the designated time we started the procession, honking, cheering, and creeping along her street until we cruised slowly by her driveway where she stood receiving the adoration and waving back while neighbors handed out cupcakes, and her son-in-law shot video of the procession--a parade that lasted maybe ten minutes.

By the time we passed and shouted our good wishes, many of our decorations were bailing. But when we pulled off the street a few houses later to make repairs, remove the failings and find our way back home--we were unfazed and cheerful.

What a great reminder that when I am down, there is nothing quite like doing something nice for someone else that is guaranteed to return my spirit. And it doesn't hurt if the goodwill contains a bunch of fun.


  1. Tonia, that is such a most needed message. Thank you. Love you and Paul.

  2. Love you,both! This new site you designed is sensational as are you! Kim LaFever
